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Golden wins VA contract for scooters 

Golden wins VA contract for scooters 

GoldenOLD FORGE, Pa. – Golden Technologies has been awarded its fourth consecutive five-year contract by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to supply mobility products. The company submitted scooters in five categories and was awarded contracts for all of them. “We are ecstatic and incredibly honored to have been awarded the contract to continue providing top-of-the-line power mobility scooters to our veterans and introduce even more exceptional models in additional categories with this new commitment from the VA,” said Rich Golden, CEO of Golden Technologies. “It is profoundly humbling to provide our amazing veterans with power scooters to access critical medical care and accomplish necessary tasks in home and community environments that are so important as they gain more independence in their life.” As part of the contract, Golden will continue to provide its Companion GC240 mid-size three-wheel and GC340 full-size three-wheel scooters. It will now also provide the Companion GC440 full-size four-wheel and the newly launched GC540 heavy-duty three-wheel scooters, representing the entire Companion series. Additionally, it will provide the compact portable BuzzAround HD four-wheel scooter. Golden has secured the contract since 2003. 


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