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A peek into my psyche

A peek into my psyche

I don't know about you, but I always have a mental checklist of things I need to worry about in my life.

This checklist runs from the mundane (did I lock the door when I left the house this morning?) to the more serious (will I get Chrone's disease like my dad)?

I have a problem, I know.

What's worse: I also have a mental checklist of things I need to worry about in the HME industry. I tend to think of this list more frequently on Friday afternoons—that's when I fear those late announcements from CMS.

There are obvious things on my list right now:

What are the Round 2 single payment amounts (See note above about late announcements)?

But there are other things, too:

What's the CBO score for H.R. 6490?

Will HME be exempted from the medical device tax?

Who will replace Phil Carter at Rotech Healthcare?

How am I going to get earnings data for Lincare now that it's owned by Linde?

This one will be appreciated by those of you who subscribe to our HME Databank:

When will I get the 2011 data for top providers and top products? (For what it's worth, I made my request to the PDAC at the same time I always do.)

The list goes on.

After covering the HME industry for going on eight years now, it's more a part of my psyche than I'd like to admit—not as much as yours, perhaps, but a part nonetheless.

Let me know if there's anything huge that I should add to my list.


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