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Tag: Financial Outsourcing

Smart Talk

Financial outsourcing: Use KPIs to take your pulse

October 28, 2019Katherine Kinley

A. Getting the pulse on your HME business is simple when you know what to look for and how to look for it. Key Performance Indicators are used to break down strategic objectives into trackable metrics. With KPIs, you can see how close or how far you are from meeting specific objectives. Let's talk about three of the most important KPIs and learn how they can help your business improve.Customer Acquisition Cost (or CAC) If your company spends $10,000 in sales and marketing in October and gets two...

Financial Outsourcing, Katherine Kinley, Paro

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Smart Talk

Financial outsourcing: Check your business pulse

September 30, 2019Katherine Kinley

A. When was the last time you based strategic business decisions on reliable, quantifiable financial data that you were confident in? If you are not making data-driven decisions daily, outsourcing this critical function is the fastest way to make a gap a point of strength.After 10 years of working with healthcare businesses—from assessing financial performance for credit worthiness to equipping them with finance/accounting horsepower—I continuously come across decision-makers who lack...

Financial Outsourcing, Katherine Kinley, Paro

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