CRMC sets priorities

By Liz Beaulieu, Editor
Updated Sun February 27, 2011
WASHINGTON - Members of AAHomecare's Complex Rehab and Mobility Council (CRMC) finalized their priorities for 2011 recently. What they came up with, says Tim Pederson, past chairman, includes but goes beyond the "white noise" of competitive bidding. "We wanted to seize on some different opportunities," he said.
"We're concerned that CMS is acting in a manner contradictory to its principles in the way that they're going after audits. We feel we need to hold them accountable."
"We want to identify the gold standard and then educate clinicians, so everyone is documenting properly. It's not like we don't want to document properly; we just need to know what to document. CMS seems to think that's not a fair question."
purchase option
"It's still a priority, but I don't know what we can do about that at this point. We have to balance what's achievable and what's not achievable."
Separate benefit
"This we believe is very achievable."