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Tag: Kaitlyn Rios

Kaitlyn Rios

Smart Talk

Value-based care: Keep focus on end user

June 12, 2024Kaitlyn Rios

Q. What can HME companies do to differentiate themselves to payers in terms of supporting value-based care?  A. Remember: Value-based care is generally defined as a shift from traditional fee-for-service payment models to a provider payment system that supports quality improvement and cost-effective care to ensure successful health outcomes and experiences for patients. Various iterations of this model are already in effect in some market segments, while others are still actively updating...

Kaitlyn Rios, Value-Based Care

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Kaitlyn Rios

Smart Talk

Value-based care: Be prepared and nimble

May 8, 2024Kaitlyn Rios

Q. How is the shift to value-based care payment models impacting HME companies?  A. The better question is, "How will it not?"  With clinical providers focused now more than ever on patient outcomes and satisfaction, it means they must maximize resources, they must aim to treat patients more effectively and efficiently in shorter time frames, they must work under tighter insurance reimbursement margins, and they must make every effort to reduce the overutilization of products...

DermaRite Industries, Kaitlyn Rios, Value-Based Care

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