Now's the time to invest in respiratory
Now's the time to invest in respiratory
Original Event Date: Thursday, May 12, 2022 ~ 2:00PM - 3:00PM

Attend this webcast to learn about the continued evolution of the respiratory category and the critical role home medical equipment providers are playing during the pandemic. We’ll review solutions designed to help drive HME business efficiencies, patient engagement and overall improved patient outcomes.
This webcast will cover:
• The evolution of the respiratory category and how today, more than ever, HME providers are playing a greater role
• Types of respiratory products and services HME providers are providing
• Solutions to help drive business efficiencies
• How technology can create a more patient-centric respiratory program to help drive improved outcomes
Brent Poythress, HME Corporate Accounts Vice President at McKesson Medical Surgical
Patricia Reni currently serves Respiratory Clinical Program Manager for the McKesson Medical Surgical Extended Care Division
Moderator: Sarah Flanagan, President, HME News