The Working DME Supplier's Guide to the Oxygen LCD – 2023
The Working DME Supplier's Guide to the Oxygen LCD – 2023
Original Event Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 ~ 2:00PM - 3:00PM

UPDATE 12/12/2022 1:35:32 PM (ET) – The live event is sold out. You can still register for the post-event recording. Simply click the “Add to cart” button on the registration page and complete the registration process. MiraVista will send you the link to stream the event recording one or two days after the live event. Thank you for your overwhelming interest, and if you have any questions, email
Since Medicare proposed its massive overhaul of national oxygen coverage in 2021, the DME supplier community has been clamoring for answers.
There were the procedural questions unanswered by CMS’s National Coverage Determination (NCD), not to mention unreconciled differences between the revised NCD and existing claim processing logic.
And now that we have the recently published Local Coverage Determination (LCD) and related policy article, we thought we might be able to simply call it case closed, a formality to fill in those procedural gaps.
It’s not quite as straightforward as we hoped.
To help suppliers master the new guidance, MiraVista is teaming up with HME News to present “The Working DME Supplier’s Guide to the Oxygen LCD – 2023,” on Dec. 14, 2022, at 2:00 PM ET. In this free event, MiraVista’s Andrea Stark and Liz Beaulieu (HME News) will:
- Summarize key elements of the LCD and related policy article, including a few surprise carryovers from the old rules.
- Help DME suppliers implement workarounds for conflicts between the NCD and the LCD.
To make sure you get answers to your specific questions, Andrea and Liz will host an extended Q&A session after the presentation. And as always, all attendees get subsequent access to the digital recording of the event.
Presented Live: 12/14/2022, at 2:00 PM (ET)
Presented By: Andrea Stark, MiraVista
Moderated by: Liz Beaulieu, HME News