Soleo Health tapped to distribute IG drug

By HME News Staff
Updated 11:21 AM CDT, Wed July 17, 2024
FRISCO, Texas – Soleo Health has been named a limited distribution specialty pharmacy partner for GC Biopharma USA, Inc. to dispense ALYGLO (Immune Globulin Intravenous, Human-stwk) 10% Liquid for adults with primary humoral immunodeficiency (PI). "Our partnership with GC Biopharma underscores our shared commitment to enhancing patient care and showcases Soleo Health's unparalleled expertise in managing patients with complex conditions,” said Drew Walk, CEO. “We are honored to be chosen as a partner for ALYGLO, highlighting our ability to provide individualized patient services across various care settings.” Soleo Health has deep clinical knowledge and experience in the provision of immunoglobulin (IG) services and its ability to collect real-world evidence clinical outcomes through SoleMetrics, its proprietary clinical outcomes program.