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Archive: 2008



December 31, 2008HME News Staff

Q. What advice can you give me to sell during these tough times? A. Be upbeat. Your customers are having the life sucked out of them everywhere they turn, and they're looking for relief. With your positive attitude and your genuine concern for them, you can provide a needed breath of fresh air. Approach every encounter with your customers with this intention: I'm going to leave every business better than before I got there. If you do, you will be admired, respected and rewarded with business opportunities....

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CMS details anti-fraud program

December 31, 2008HME News Staff

BALTIMORE - The recovery audit contractor (RAC) program is on hold for now, but CMS has no plans to scrap it altogether. During a Special Open Door Forum on Nov. 13, CMS officials told 860 callers that it has put an "automatic stay" on the program due to protests filed by two unsuccessful bidders (the Government Accountability Office has until mid-February to make a ruling); however, the program is still on track to go nationwide by Jan. 1, 2010. Industry stakeholders have voiced their own protests...

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Loan closets: OIG posts second favorable opinion

December 31, 2008HME News Staff

YARMOUTH, Maine - Two HME providers recently received the green light from the Office of Inspector General (OIG) to place consignment closets and licensed personnel in hospitals. In a Nov. 26 advisory opinion, the OIG concluded neither action would violate the anti-kickback statute as long as the hospitals allow patients to choose their providers. Also, even though hospitals will supply closets, desks and phones at no cost, providers must not give them referrals. "This is great news for everybody,...

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J & L Medical’s empire grows

December 31, 2008HME News Staff

WATERBURY, Conn.-- J & L Medical Services opened its third location, J & L Medical Services Showroom, here in early December. It features more than 1,800 square feet of handicap-accessible retail space, including two professional setup rooms for CPAP and compression stocking fittings.


Vendors wait for stability

December 31, 2008HME News Staff

YARMOUTH, Maine-- The price of commodities, most notably gas, tumbled in late 2008. But with continued uncertainty expected in 2009, it's too early for manufacturers to back off price increases or revise their freight policies, they say. “It's just too volatile to decide if this is a temporary or permanent downturn, so everyone's being cautious,” said Harvey Diamond, president of Drive Medical in Port Washington, N.Y. “We're all hoping that prices will continue to go down, but...

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Letters to the editor:

December 31, 2008HME News Staff

I am writing in response to John Andrews' article titled “Oxygen remains stationary” (HME News, December 2008). I think John's article is relevant but I am concerned that some key data was missing or misrepresented. Stationary oxygen technologies, particularly concentrators, are the base component of all home oxygen systems. Concentrators represent the majority of stationary systems because of the relatively low acquisition cost and extremely high performance and reliability. The stationary...

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Diabetes providers face claim review

December 31, 2008HME News Staff

NASHVILLE, Tenn.--Cigna Government Services, the Jurisdiction C DME MAC, will conduct a prepayment medical review of randomly selected claims for glucose test strips (A4253) and lancets (A4259), it announced in December. The review will focus on non-insulin treated beneficiaries (KS modifier) who are receiving quantities of supplies that exceed the utilization guidelines defined in the local coverage determination: 100 strips and 100 lancets in a 90-day period. Providers can review the glucose monitor...

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December 31, 2008HME News Staff

Q. We have love-hate relationships with our manufacturers' sales reps. What do I need to know about reps to better understand them? A. Your sales reps live in a crazy world and must be able to stomach different scenarios of risk and reward every day. Some reps operate as single individuals, while others are direct employees of a corporate sales and marketing company. Good reps are specialists. Whether they are professional salespeople or accredited or licensed professionals, they bring solutions...

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Embrace your inner David

December 31, 2008HME News Staff

In our January HME NewsPoll, we asked providers what they thought about manufacturers selling home medical equipment through mass retailers (See poll results on page 38). We figured this was an appropriate and timely question, considering the rumors swirling around Respironics and its alleged plan to do just that. Not surprisingly, a majority of providers (81% of 183 respondents) have a problem with manufacturers selling through mass retailers. In comment after comment, providers pointed out that...

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Industry studies aftermath

December 31, 2008HME News Staff

The complex rehab industry stands ready to document the fallout of Medicare's 9.5% nationwide reimbursement cut, which goes into effect Jan. 1. An NCART study released in September found that 95% of 184 responding complex rehab providers will reduce or eliminate product choice due to the cut; 87% will reduce or eliminate off-site assessments and evaluations; and 88% will reduce or eliminate the availability of demo equipment. “That predicts what might happen, but we need to know exactly...

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