Busy week for HOMES

By HME News Staff
Updated Wed February 13, 2019
BOSTON - Competitive bidding, reimbursement and audits were among the topics discussed at a Feb. 12 meeting between HOMES and HHS and CMS officials.
The 90-minute meeting was the result of an invitation of HHS Secretary Alex Azar.
"We covered a wide array of issues and will be following up with additional information,” said Karyn Estrella, HOMES executive director, in a bulletin.
Also in attendance was David Reilly, clinical coordinator at Sturdy Memorial Hospital in Attleboro, Mass., who discussed delayed discharges and increased hospital readmissions.
Providers from across New England attended the meeting, including Gary Sheehan, CEO of Cape Medical Supply, in Sandwich, Mass.
"HHS and CMS officials clearly recognize ongoing issues with the competitive bidding program and appear to be regularly fielding issues and performing triage to ensure patients receive care,” he said. “They recognize that the suspension of the bid program is a change, what they failed to appreciate was the lack of relief on reimbursement does little to level the playing field.”
HOMES also met with New Hampshire State Sen. Tom Sherman, chairman of the HHS committee that oversees the Medicaid program, to discuss the state's next round of Medicaid managed care contracts. Providers have had ongoing issues with the current managed care plans, according to the bulletin.
Sen. Sherman indicated he was open to drafting legislation and possibly calling a hearing on the matter.