CMS extends PMD demo

By HME News Staff
Updated Tue July 14, 2015
WASHINGTON - CMS will extend the PMD demo for an additional three years, until Aug. 31, 2018, according to a notice that the agency expects to publish in the Federal Register tomorrow.
The demo, which requires prior authorizations for certain PMDs, was set to expire Aug. 31.
“This is a smart program, and an example of what can happen when HME providers and CMS work together,” said Tom Ryan, president and CEO of AAHomecare in a press release.
The demo kicked off in seven states in September 2012 and was expanded to an additional 12 states in 2014.
Stakeholders were simultaneously working with CMS and with lawmakers to extend the PMD demo. The House of Representatives passed a 21st Century Cures Act last week that included a provision extending the demo.
With the demo extended, stakeholders now plan to work with CMS and lawmakers to develop a nationwide program requiring prior authorizations not only for PMDs but also a wider spectrum of home medical equipment.
“The extension of the power mobility demonstration is good news, however, much remains to be done,” Ryan said.
Go to tomorrow for more details from CMS.