FODAC strengthens goodwill

By Tracy Orzel
Updated 9:10 AM CDT, Fri September 20, 2024
TUCKER, Ga. – In a move to better serve Georgia’s coastal communities, Friends of Disabled Adults and Children (FODAC) has opened a second facility in Savannah with the help of congressionally directed funding and in partnership with a regional Goodwill.
A $478,000 grant from the Department of Health and Human Services made it possible to renovate the facility in Savannah facility, add three trucks for equipment collection, put up new signage and place seven 40-foot collection containers across Georgia.
“So, when our 26-foot box truck drives hours away from here, it’s going to pass by a container, pick up everything that’s been collected there, and bring it back to our facility for cleaning, fixing and fulfilling orders,” said Chris Brand, executive director of FODAC.
FODAC chose Savannah after a thorough feasibility study that considered the area's rapid growth due to the new Kia assembly plant, increasing port activity and other factors.
The decision was further strengthened by its existing partnership with Goodwill of Southeast Georgia. As a result of their expanded partnership, Goodwill of Southeast Georgia will now collect gently used equipment, such as wheelchairs, walkers and crutches, from the public at all 17 of its retail stores along the coastal area.
“We're actually in their warehouse, and they're collecting equipment from the edge of Florida to Hilton Head Island, S.C., for us to fix, triage and distribute,” said Brand.
Although there are no definite plans yet, FODAC is keeping an eye on expansion opportunities in Florida—particularly near Tampa and Sarasota—as well as Houston, while also exploring partnerships with two other regional Goodwills in Georgia.
“Every major state should have a place to collect medical waste that's no longer being used to help someone struggling,” said Brand. “We're not telling people to replace their benefits with this; it’s a stop-gap safety measure.”