MassHealth delays transition to preferred supplier

By HME News Staff
Updated Fri March 2, 2018
BOSTON - A preferred supplier contract for incontinence supplies between MassHealth and Geriatric Medical will now go live April 15, instead of March 1. “Based on HOMES and stakeholder input, Massachusetts Deputy Secretary Daniel Tsai has delayed implementation of the incontinence preferred supplier contract until April 15,” the state association tweeted on Feb. 18. “This will lead to a smoother transition.” Stakeholders and the state are still trying to work out details, including the implications, if any, of providers choosing to buy incontinence products from other distributors and manufacturers. “What if they're audited?” Karyn Estrella, executive director of HOMES, has asked. Because the contract between MassHealth and Geriatric Medical is a preferred supplier not a single-source contract, providers can still buy incontinence products from other distributors and manufacturers.