NHIA pushes for clarifications

By HME News Staff
Updated Wed January 2, 2019
WASHINGTON - The National Home Infusion Association has submitted comments to CMS asking the agency to issue sub-regulatory guidance that clarifies that home infusion services are reimbursed on any day a patient receives a professional service. The NHIA also asks the agency to establish a billing mechanism that distinguishes between professional services provided in the home by a nurse, and remote pharmacy services. “These changes would allow home infusion and homecare providers to collaborate to service patients with a homecare episode without interfering with the provision of either benefit, provide CMS with the data necessary to construct a permanent payment rate that reflects the complexity and duration of services necessary to deliver home infusion therapy, incentivize the delivery of safe, effective and high-quality care and inform future policy discussions as new and emerging medications become available,” the association states. The NHIA submitted comments in response to a final rule that CMS published in November detailing its plans to create a new home infusion therapy benefit and create a transitional payment for services.