Private insurers relax requirements

By HME News Staff
Updated Tue April 7, 2020
WASHINGTON - Humana and Anthem have updated their payments and policies amid the coronavirus outbreak, AAHomecare reports.
For members with a COVID-19-related diagnosis, Humana is now: covering short-term oxygen use, waiving the signature-at-delivery requirement for DME, waiving all out-of-pocket medical costs related to treatment, increasing flexibility around telehealth for physician office visits, and suspending medical records requests for pre- and post-paid claim review processes.
“The changes follow strong outreach from AAHomecare and other industry stakeholders on many of these issues,” the association said.
Anthem is now: suspending select prior authorization requirements to allow providers to focus on caring for patients diagnosed with COVID-19, and temporarily adjusting its approach to monitoring claims and audits.
AAHomecare staff was scheduled to meet with Anthem to get clarification on their changes.