The Scooter Store furloughs employees

By HME News Staff
Updated Mon March 11, 2013
NEW BRAUNFELS, Texas - In a March 8 email from CEO Marty Landon, The Scooter Store notified its employees that they would be furloughed immediately, according to news reports.
In the email, Landon said The Scooter Store has been experiencing major business challenges, which have adversely affected the company's financial condition.
“As a result, we are streamlining our current operations to allow us to continue to provide service to our customers in an appropriate manner,” he said.
The Scooter Store has about 1,800 employees: About 1,200 work out of its headquarters in New Braunfels, Texas, with the remainder working out of distributions centers across the country.
Landon asked employees not to return to work until they receive further notice from the human resources department.
The mass furlough is only the latest bit of bad news coming from The Scooter Store. On Feb. 20, the company was raided by federal and state agencies as part of an ongoing probe into possible Medicare fraud.
Previously, The Scooter Store has had two lay offs: In February, it announced that it would lay off 150 employees; and in September 2012, it announced it would lay off 220 employees.