Stakeholders launch petition in fight over pricing for accessories

By HME News Staff
Updated Fri September 25, 2015
WASHINGTON - Stakeholders are now petitioning the Obama Administration to step in and reverse CMS's plans to apply competitive bidding pricing to accessories for complex rehab wheelchairs on Jan. 1. The petition had 765 signatures at press time, with a goal of 100,000 by Oct. 23. “This will have a devastating people across the U.S,” the petition reads. “To protect access for people with severe disabilities, this policy must be rescinded.” This is only the most recent effort to reverse CMS's plan. Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., introduced a bill in July to prevent the agency from adopting the pricing, which could mean a 20% to 50% cut for providers. H.R. 3229 had 11 co-sponsors at press time.