Stance Health Solutions ready for action ‘We compete very well with the Aprias and the Adapts’

By Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor
Updated 9:29 AM CST, Fri January 24, 2025
TUSTIN, Calif. – Stance Health Solutions, the new name for the recently combined SG Homecare and Western Drug Medical Supply, plans to close at least one “significant acquisition” in 2025 and to double in size in the next five years, says CEO Jay Wendt.
Stance Health, which currently has about 28 locations that serve patients in California, seeks strategic acquisitions that complement its existing product lines and footprint. The company offers DME, respiratory, sleep and O&P, through both capitated contracts and fee-for-service models.
“We want to be very active in acquisitions and expand beyond the state of California, tucking in companies as we move forward,” he said. “There are multiple opportunities out there and we are very engaged in the process of looking at companies that are synergistic with Stance Health.”
SG Homecare, along with private equity sponsor Sverica Capital, acquired Western Drug in April 2024. Combined, the companies have more than $150 million in annual revenue and 500 employees.
At the top of Stance Health’s acquisition list are companies focused on respiratory and DME, but also, where it makes sense O&P, says Mike Moeller, chief commercial officer.
“O&P is a unique differentiator for us,” he said. “We have full O&P capabilities, including manufacturing, but that is a product line that makes us different from other DME companies out there, so if we had an acquisition that made sense, we would pursue that.”
As a large independent provider, Stance Health says what separates it from other companies, including the nationals, is its commitment to service, says Wendt.
“We all provide the same products and buy them from the same places,” he said. “You’re not going to differentiate yourself on products, it’s how good your service is, how quickly are you getting people discharged and making sure they’re getting home. We compete very well with the Aprias and the Adapts.”
“We’re offering more than just DME and O&P to our partners,” Moeller added. “We’re offering all sorts of different solutions and have a team dedicated to following up and following through with those different solutions.”