Study: Home infusion therapy can improve survival rates

By HME News Staff
Updated Thu May 17, 2018
BANNOCKBURN, Ill. - Inotropic home infusion therapy can help improve survival for patients with advanced heart failure, according to a new study from Option Care and the Keck School of Medicine of USC. Patients prescribed the therapy, which enables the patient's heart to pump more efficiently, may experience a better quality of life, according to a press release. Option Care's data suggest an average survival rate of more than two years for these patients. “Receiving this life-changing therapy in the comfort of home helps patients more fully enjoy their lives,” said Tess Artig-Brown, BSN, MN, co-author of the study and director of Option Care's Heart Failure Program. “Home infusion is also much more cost effective than care provided in the hospital or long-term care centers and research has shown that with education and support, these patients are less likely to be readmitted to the hospital.”