Trial closes for 3B Medical, ResMed

By HME News Staff
Updated Tue April 22, 2014
LAKE WALES, Fla. - The trial between 3B Medical/BMC Medical and ResMed concluded on April 17, but a final decision is not expected until December, according to a press release. The trial before the International Trade Commission (ITC) was the result of a complaint filed by ResMed in July 2013 alleging infringements on several patients. “It was a long fought and very expensive battle for all companies involved,” stated Alex Lucio, vice president, in the release. “Now that the trial is behind us, we can refocus our efforts to bringing new products and innovative solutions to the sleep disordered breathing market. We are very confident that the ITC will find in our favor.” BMC is also in the process of preparing IPR (Inter Partes Review) applications seeking to invalidate several ResMed patients in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to prevent the company from inhibiting future innovations. “We didn't ask for this fight, but we have no intention of backing down,” stated James Xu, president.