Use Univita as a lightning rod for action

By HME News Staff
Updated Fri September 4, 2015
This is exactly the situation that we said would happen with this type of model that limits providers and limits access to care (“Chaos erupts as Univita loses contracts”).
We need to get this story out to Congress and to state Medicaids across the country. Our words mean nothing to them; however, the result of this bankruptcy should resonate loud and clear that the train needs to stop rolling down the track because the only light at the end of the tunnel is the train!
We need to let consumers know that this will happen to their care if they don't get involved. They need to shout that they are not going to let their benefits continue to erode right in front of them by preventing quality providers into these networks.
The only way that you get quality is through competition and when you limit competition you limit care.
The model of limited providers and limited reimbursement will never be able to sustain the exponential growth of the baby boomers. We need to make this front page news everywhere!
This is exactly what we needed to happen; however, unfortunately, it's at the cost of the providers who will never get paid for the services and equipment rendered and the patients who are being held hostage by their state Medicaids for allowing this to happen.
Let's not let this opportunity pass us by; let's use this as our springboard to get their attention to the real issue that they have created.
I can't even begin to image what is going to happen to the rural areas when they get hit with reimbursement cuts and to the patients who won't have providers to care for them.
What immediate action steps can we take to get this story in front of our legislators, managed care companies and the consumers? We must act quickly!