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Tag: Power standing systems


In brief: Byram makes digital health play, AAH releases Impact Report, ITEM pushes repair reform 

February 12, 2025HME News Staff

RICHMOND, Va. – Byram Healthcare, part of the Owens & Minor family, has launched ByramConnect, a personalized digital health program for people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes that’s powered by the Welldoc app.  The program, using the Welldoc app’s artificial intelligence capabilities, analyzes member data across six dimensions of health to help optimize outcomes, providing actionable insights and reports that can be shared with providers and care teams.  “Chronic...

AAHomecare, Byram Healthcare, Digital Health, Impact Report, ITEM Coalition, Power standing systems

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Representatives urge CMS to cover standing systems

October 10, 2024HME News Staff

WASHINGTON – Reps. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., and Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Pa., have sent a letter signed by 22 representatives to CMS urging the agency to open a national coverage analysis for standing systems in power wheelchairs, the ITEM Coalition announced on Oct. 8. The ITEM Coalition made the request for reconsideration of the national coverage determination for mobility assistive equipment to include coverage of standing systems more than four years ago. “The ITEM Coalition remains...

ITEM Coalition, Power standing systems

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Letter for standing systems extended 

October 1, 2024HME News Staff

WASHINGTON – The deadline to collect so-signers for a Dear Colleague letter that asks CMS to move forward with a pending national coverage analysis for power standing systems has been extended to Friday, Oct. 4. The letter, spearheaded by Reps Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., and Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Pa., had an original deadline of Sept. 30. “The absence of Medicare coverage for these systems leaves many beneficiaries without access to critical technology that can significantly improve their...

Dear Colleague Letter, ITEM Coalition, Power standing systems

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Representatives push standing systems

September 18, 2024HME News Staff

WASHINGTON – NCART reports that Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Pa., and Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., leaders of the Disability Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives, have introduced a “Dear Colleague” letter asking CMS to open the coverage determination for power standing systems. “Please contact your U.S. representative today and urge them to sign on to the Dingell/Fitzpatrick congressional sign-on letter urging CMS to promptly open the NCA and public comment period regarding...

NCART, Power standing systems

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Wayne Grau


Complex rehab stakeholders send ‘powerful message’ 

September 20, 2023Liz Beaulieu, Editor

WASHINGTON – A recent fly-in and product expo organized by NCART and NRRTS was the perfect opportunity to lay the groundwork for several of the complex rehab industry’s top priorities, including getting CMS to move forward with coverage for power standing systems.   More than 200 attendees participated and more than 200 “congressional connections” were made as part of the virtual fly-in on Sept. 13.  “Efforts to get CMS to open the comment period...

Complex Rehab, National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers (NRRTS), NCART, Power standing systems

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Permobil white paper

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Permobil outlines benefit of power standing 

June 15, 2023HME News Staff

STOCKHOLM – Permobil has released a white paper that outlines the impact that power standing wheelchairs can have on a user’s health and their independence. “Based on the comprehensive nature of this white paper and all the resources presented, clinicians can utilize this paper to support their clinical decision-making when matching individual needs with the benefits and considerations of power standing wheelchairs,” the company states. “In addition, the connection between...

Permobil, Power standing systems, Power Wheelchair

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Congress throws support behind power standing systems

September 23, 2022Liz Beaulieu, Editor

WASHINGTON – Complex rehab stakeholders now also have a sign-on letter circulating in the Senate asking CMS to open a public comment period for power standing systems.  The three senators spearheading the letter – Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and Bob Casey, D-Pa. – have supported efforts to move forward with Medicare coverage for these systems in the past, but they did so individually.  “They’re stepping it up with this group...

Complex Rehab, NCART, Power standing systems

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Power standing systems: Stakeholders increase pressure to act 

September 22, 2022HME News Staff

WASHINGTON – Complex rehab stakeholders now have a sign-on letter circulating in the Senate that asks CMS to open a public comment period for power standing systems, NCART reports.  The letter is spearheaded by Sens. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and Bob Casey, D-Pa.  “Now is the time for CRT advocates to take action,” NCART stated in a bulletin. “We need your help getting signatures on both letters to send a strong message to CMS.”  There...

Complex Rehab, NCART, Power standing systems

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Jim Langevin


Stakeholders rev engine for comment period 

August 5, 2022Liz Beaulieu, Editor

WASHINGTON – An Aug. 3 roundtable discussion hosted by the National Council on Disability set the stage for responding in large numbers to an upcoming 30-day public comment period on Medicare coverage for power seat elevation and power standing systems.  CMS has committed to opening the comment period in August, almost two years after the ITEM Coalition submitted its formal request to reconsider the national coverage determination for mobility assistive equipment to include coverage...

Medicare, National Council on Disability, Power seat elevation, Power standing systems

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Also Noted

Council raises awareness on power seat elevation 

July 25, 2022HME News Staff

WASHINGTON – The National Council on Disability (NCD) will host a virtual public roundtable on Aug. 3 at 1 p.m. EST to promote Medicare coverage of power seat elevation and standing systems, according to NCART. The two-hour roundtable will include perspectives from members of Congress, people with mobility disabilities, clinicians, researchers and others regarding the legal and policy implications of coverage. “This is a very positive development in establishing Medicare coverage for...

National Council on Disability, NCART, Power seat elevation, Power standing systems

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