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Annual housekeeping advertorial

Annual housekeeping advertorial

Every year around this time, there are a lot of balls up in the air at HME News.

And to keep them all up there, we need your help juggling.

The most time sensitive: the HME Excellence Awards. The deadline to apply for the awards is this Friday, June 6. We've received about half the number of applications this year compared to last year. This makes me sad. It has been a rough couple of years in the HME industry, and I'd like to think that those providers that are still out there doing the good work and fighting the good fight would want to celebrate that. (What makes me smile: For the first time, we received a letter of support from a manufacturer for one of the applicants!) Plus, it's not a time-consuming process—the application is only one page! An added bonus: the three winners of the awards (first, second and third place) will receive free registration to the HME News Business Summit, Sept. 7-9 in Minneapolis!

Go here to fill out the HME Excellence Awards application today.

Speaking of the Summit, another ball in the air is the Financial Benchmarking Survey. We reveal the results of the survey and feature an analysis by Rick Glass during a lunch-time session on the second day of the Summit. The survey results are one of the few good ways that HME providers can compare how they're doing to their peers. Unlike the awards application, the survey is not one page, but the intel you get will make it worth your while. Like with the awards, we've received about half the number of surveys this year compared to last year at this time. The deadline is July 3.

Go here to fill out the Financial Benchmarking Survey today.

Last but not least, the final ball in the air is the aforementioned Summit. Registration is open and unlike the awards and the survey, we have more attendees signed up this year compared to last year at this time. I like to think that the Summit continues to build on its reputation for having the most unique, forward thinking educational program for HME providers—and this year is no different.

Go here to sign up for the Summit today.

I'd like to give a shout out to all the industry leaders, like state association leaders Rose Schafhauser and Carol Napierski, and Medtrade, for helping HME News spread the good word about the awards and survey. It's greatly appreciated!

And I promise my next blog won't be so advertorial.


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