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MTMC taps into DME

MTMC taps into DME 'Anywhere we go, we'll be bringing the Invacare brand with us'

Jack MoranMARSTONS MILLS, Mass. – MTMC, a national sales organization, will have a bigger presence in another segment of the health care market thanks to a new partnership with Invacare, says Managing Partner Jack Moran. 

In April, MTMC was tapped by Invacare to expand the reach of the Lifestyle portfolio, working in tandem with the company’s inside sales team. 

“In partnership with distributors our reps call on hospitals, long-term care facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, physician offices and urgent care, and we do have a presence in DME but it’s not a core for us and it’s a target for growth,” he said. “Invacare helps us get there. DME is the fourth leg of the stool that we need to cover the continuum of care.” 

While Invacare’s sales team will focus on selling Lifestyle products to traditional DME provider customers, MTMC and its 150-plus sales reps aim to increase the product portfolio’s share in existing markets and introduce them into new markets. 

“We’re going to dramatically expand their coverage with our large sales force,” said Doug Harper, a senior advisor for MTMC and a former Invacare exec. “We will also bring them to other markets we serve. Anywhere we go, we’ll be bringing the Invacare brand with us.” 

In particular, MTMC aims to grow Invacare’s share in the Veterans Affairs market, a specific focus for about 50 of MTMC’s reps. 

“Invacare has good market share there, but we can bring our portfolio of solutions to grow it,” Moran said. “The VA is the largest health system in the country – it’s serving the most patients and it’s the fastest growing. It’s unwise for any company not to focus on that part of the market.” 

Invacare’s decision to outsource part of its sales team is par for the course for large companies these days, Moran says. 

“Our business has gone from 90% smaller companies to a 50/50 split of small and large companies,” he said. “What they’re doing is not any different than any other market-leading company.”


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