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New AAH partner helps members go paperless

New AAH partner helps members go paperless

March 21, 2005 MONSEY, N.Y. - AAHomecare named MedFORCE Technologies last week as its provider of choice to supply association members with document imaging/paperless-office solutions.  “We recognize the importance of our members implementing solutions such as MedFORCE Scan to help improve process efficiencies while realizing significant financial benefits,” stated AAHomecare President and CEO Kay Cox. “With major reimbursement changes and the challenges we face as an industry, we could not be more pleased with the timing of this partnership.” As part of the alliance, AAHomecare members will receive significant discounts on the MedFORCE Scan system. The complete MedFORCE package includes all future updates and improvements that are continuously made available to all users. Version 4, MedFORCE Scan replaces existing manual filing systems with a centralized digital system, functioning just like the paper files that clients are used to dealing with. MedFORCE Scan can link with most medical billing software packages and addresses all compliance issues within the healthcare industry. MedFORCE Scan allows for various levels of authority for accessing, updating and printing patients' files, and can produce HIPAA disclosure reports on-demand. Electronic Remittance Notices can be automatically imported into patients' files and Explanations of Medical Benefits can be printed for a specific patient, simplifying coinsurance billing and claim follow-up.


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