Airway clearance therapy proven in the hospital, available in the home

By ABM Respiratory Care
Updated 10:30 AM CST, Thu November 16, 2023
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Introducing the next generation of oscillating lung expansion (OLE) therapy
The BiWaze® Clear System is designed to provide airway clearance through oscillating lung expansion (OLE) therapy, expanding the lungs and mobilizing secretions in the lower airways for both adult and pediatric patients.
What sets BiWaze Clear apart from other OLE therapy systems is its unique dual-blower system that separates the inhale and exhale pathways to the patient. The system uses a disposable Dual Lumen Breathing Circuit™ that is completely closed, eliminating the need for exhale ports or leaks. Additionally, BiWaze Clear comes with a closed, vibrating mesh nebulizer, Aerogen® Solo, for aerosol therapy to calm airway inflammation and thin mucus.
Comparing internal vs. external airway clearance therapy
To ensure effective airway clearance therapy, it's crucial to choose a treatment that the patient can tolerate and maintain at home. High-Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation (HFCWO) therapy is considered the standard of care for airway clearance. This external therapy was expanded to a mobile solution (utilizing a wearable, battery-operated garment) ten years ago which has helped improve patient compliance in the home. For patients who struggle with HFCWO due to the tightly fitted garment or if they cannot tolerate the weight of a mobile garment, BiWaze Clear may be a better option.
BiWaze Clear’s OLE therapy is a breathing treatment which provides an internal therapy delivered via a patient interface (mouthpiece, face mask, or tracheostomy tube) instead of an external therapy like HFCWO. OLE therapy provides lung expansion using a set expiratory pressure to increase forced residual capacity, which can increase ventilation and open closed or blocked airways.1 OLE therapy also provides high-frequency oscillation where the system will vary the airflow to a set peak pressure to break up and thin mucus deep in the lungs. Medicated aerosol can be delivered to help calm inflamed airways and thin the mucus with the Aerogen® Solo nebulizer throughout the therapy.
Unlike IPV and IPPB, BiWaze Clear delivers positive expiratory pressure and high frequency oscillation therapy with an electronically controlled dual blower system. There is no venturi, no open exhalation port, and no jet nebulizer. BiWaze Clear has a dual lumen breathing circuit and a vibrating mesh nebulizer so the entire breathing circuit is closed. As a result, the patient's exhaled breath is filtered by a coaxial bacterial-viral filter before entering the room air, ensuring a safer environment.
Reducing therapy time
The BiWaze Clear system expands and clears the airways through a combination of airway clearance therapies in just 10 minutes which provides a time savings when compared to the standard HFCWO therapy time of 30 minutes (Figure 1).
Figure 1. BiWaze Clear OLE therapy takes 10 minutes, compared to 30 minutes for HFCWO therapy.
The system not only offers a time-efficient therapy but also provides customizable options to cater to each patient's unique needs.
Our website,, not only offers product videos and a demo scheduling option but also provides a wealth of resources in our Medical Resource section, including white papers, product documentation, and user guides. Discover the difference with BiWaze Clear and how it can help your patients.