AOPA's Fise to step down

By HME News Staff
Updated Wed April 4, 2018
ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Tom Fise will step down from his role as executive director of the American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association when his contract expires at the end of 2018. “On behalf of AOPA, I would like to thank Tom for his dedication and commitment to the orthotic and prosthetic industry,” said Jim Weber, president of AOPA, in a press release. “His legislative and regulatory experience has been most valuable to AOPA as he has worked to champion our association's needs to Congress, CMS and other regulatory bodies.” Fise has been with AOPA nearly 12 years. AOPA's executive committee has appointed a seven-member search committee to find Fise's successor. It has also engaged Sterling Martin Associates, a leading national executive search firm, to guide the process. Sterling Martin focuses exclusively on the association and nonprofit sectors, and has significant experience in the healthcare space. AOPA anticipates filling the position by the end of August, allowing sufficient time for a successful transition of leadership.