CHME’s Ed Ettleman to retire

By HME News Staff
Updated 9:16 AM CST, Fri December 29, 2023
FOSTER CITY, Calif. – Ed Ettleman will retire after more than 17 years with California Home Medical Equipment and 45 years in the HME industry. Throughout his career, Ettleman has consistently gone the extra mile for patients, clinical partners and referrals. “After 17 years with CHME and 45 years in our industry, Ed Ettleman continues to strive to ensure we are all doing our very best to serve the needs of our patients, clinical partners and referrals,” said Bernie Zimmerman, CEO. “Ed has consistently been the first to show up, ready to assist in any circumstance, and the last to sign off, ensuring that every situation, client, co-worker or staff member had everything they needed to close the loop."