Dispatches from the dining room: Flattening the (blood sugar) curve

By Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor
Updated Mon April 20, 2020

Appropriate to my current WFH status, I also had my first ever telehealth appointment last week, with Sarah the CDE. It was simply a three-month check-in to see how I was doing with diabetes management, including what patterns have been cropping up in my blood sugar numbers, and where I could make changes to fine-tune things.
On the plus side, I've been getting in more exercise because I force myself out for walks whenever the weather is agreeable (so, about half as often as I—or Sarah—would like). I am sticking to mostly my regular eating patterns and am happy to report working from home makes me less likely to stress snack mid-afternoon (see walks. See also, water plants or toss in a load of laundry).
On the minus side: Where are all these lows coming from?
Eh, it's all a day in the life when it comes to diabetes.
Like so many around the world these days, I am all about flattening the curve to slow and ultimately stop the spread of COVID-19.
In the diabetes world, we have something a wee bit similar, called “time in range.” That's the amount of time your sugars stay in range—a better indicator of control than the peaks and valleys of highs and lows. Even if you run a bit high or bit low, a steady, straight line means you're on the right track.
At HME News we are on week five ( or is it six?) of working from home. I remain optimistic that we will see the pandemic curve flatten soon and I can get back into the office and the hum of a working newsroom (though I plan to WFH a bit more often).
I am also optimistic that my next check-in with Sarah will be face to face (there are limitations to telehealth) and that I'll have some curveless graphs for her to parse.
Stay safe, stay healthy and stay home!