DME Data Solutions crunches CPAP data

By HME News Staff
Updated Thu January 31, 2013
SAN DIEGO - DME Data Solutions has introduced a CPAP Patient Data Analyzer (CPDA), an analytics system that allows users to mine data and manage clinical outcomes, according to a press release. CPDA imports data from sleep studies, CPAP therapy reports and EMR systems, and stores it in a shared database. The data allows users to manage clinical outcomes through trend reports. After creating a patient baseline from the sleep study, users can view CPAP device data, such as leak, pressure and compliance, alongside non-device data, such as weight, BMI, blood pressure and other data points, according to the release. "Users are interested in packaging their data to seek higher reimbursement and attract new referral sources," stated Ken Ravazzolo, president and founder of DME Data Solutions.