The hottest ticket this holiday season

By Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor
Updated Mon December 14, 2009
By sheer chance, I got the H1N1 vaccine today. I happened to be at the doc's and she happened to have it. With all the hype and hysteria around the virus, I should consider myself lucky to get it so easily (I was really looking for the seasonal flu vaccine).
For the record, it hurt less than the regular flu shot.
Provider Doug Mooradian, of Health System Services in New York, told me recently they played host to an H1N1 clinic. It drew 600 people and the local media to their location. Yes, 600 people, plus whoever saw any related media coverage, heard HSS's name, saw their location and will in the future have a positive association with the company (aren't those the guys who had the flu shots last year? Maybe they will have the HME we need).
To further his PR push, Doug had some pix taken and sent them to me. Check out page 19 in the January issue to see how the line (of potential future customers) wraps around the block.
Theresa Flaherty