Mobility short takes: United Spinal, ElDorado Mobility

By HME News Staff
Updated Fri December 2, 2016
The United Spinal Association hosted its National Chapter Leadership Meeting in Las Vegas recently, bringing together chapter leaders from across the U.S. to discuss a multitude of topics that affect the spinal cord injury and disorder community. Hollister was the Titanium Level Corporate Sponsor of the event. United Spinal currently has 48 chapters in 28 states, and six regional coordinators. The strategies they develop at the annual meeting help to galvanize the association to provide a clear path moving forward and to assist the large constituency of wheelchair users that they serve…ElDorado Mobility gifted Gail Ulerie with a “dream trip” to Hawaii in memory of her son, Shurvon Phillip, a sergeant in the military who died Oct. 30 due to injury related complications. In May 2005 in Iraq, a Humvee Phillip was traveling in hit a landmine, giving him a broken jaw and a broken leg, and affecting this brain. The all-expenses paid vacation was donated by ElDorado after the provider learned of Shurvon's journey through its partnership with the U.S. Pain Foundation. Each year, the Wings for Warriors Foundation holds a gala in partnership with the U.S. Pain Foundation to help fundraise for veteran's programs and to spread awareness for their mission of support. This year's even was held Nov. 11 at the Arizona Biltmore in Phoenix.