New players boost NRRTS membership

By Tracy Orzel
Updated Mon February 22, 2016
LUBBOCK, Texas - Membership at the National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers is on the rise.
“Over the past five or six years, our registrant numbers were static due to people retiring or leaving the industry,” said Weesie Walker, executive director of NRRTS.
Now, those numbers are starting to go up thanks to new entrants into the complex rehab market.
Walker also chalks up the increase in membership to the popularity of its webinars, which have also seen a 25% increase in participation.
“People are beginning to see the value of the education that we're providing,” she said. “Everybody feels like complex rehab has a bullseye on its back, so you have to be aware of what the issues are and how they're being dealt with.”
To increase webinar traffic, NRRTS began using Hootsuite, a social media management system, to spread the word on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, and sending email reminders a week before.
The association also started using a new webinar platform called Adobe Connect, which allows registrants to watch the webinars on-demand—on any device—should they be unable to attend the original meeting.
“(The webinars) are even more spectacular in terms of participant experience,” said Walker. “There's more interaction and the videos are easier to use on this platform.”