Northshore goes big on customer service

By Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor
Updated Fri December 20, 2019
CHICAGO - Northshore Care Supply recently overhauled its website and its approach to service to provide a more patient-centric experience.
The new website's features include tools that allow the provider to offer personalized content to customers based on their feedback, helping them to find the right products on their own.
“We have a big focus on providing the right content to the right people,” said Jyll Rademacher, head of e-commerce and marketing. “We are big on taking the feedback from our customers and adjusting our offers.”
Northshore, which launched in 2002, focuses on specialty incontinence—products for moderate to total incontinence—a product portfolio that differentiates the company from the big-box retailers, which primarily offer light incontinence items.
Other features of the new website are designed to offer maximum flexibility for the customer. A built-in subscription for auto-shipping, for example, allows customers to customize delivery schedules or make changes to orders. It's also integrated with FedEx so orders can be sent directly to local FedEx or Walgreens locations.
“We want to make sure the product gets there,” said President and Founder Adam Greenberg. “Customers report that having the ability to select the nearest location for pick up has been a great easing of that delivery burden.”
Northshore has also shifted its approach to customer service by asking more questions. Greenberg, who became a Board Certified Patient Advocate in 2019, says that, while customer service reps have always been courteous, they often shied away asking questions that might feel too prying.
“Now we're finding the customer wants to tell their story of what they've tried, what's worked, without feeling embarrassed,” he said. “Our reviews have always said, 'timely, courteous.' Now they use words like 'kind,' and 'put me at ease.'”