Phillips Chiropractic opens DME company

By HME News Staff
Updated Tue June 19, 2018
DODGE CITY, Kan. - Phillips Chiropractic has opened a DME company called Phillips Durable Medical Equipment, according to the Dodge City Daily Globe. Phillips has contracted with a company out of Dallas to get custom braces within about seven days, Dr. Jammie Phillips told the newspaper. “In this area, where we kind of lack the durable medical equipment, a lot of times when the doctor needs a special ACL brace or a custom-fit brace, they were having to go to Wichita or have it ordered and have it take 30, 45 days for it to come in,” Phillips said. Measurements for the braces are taken at any of the six orthopedic surgeon offices in Garden City or the two in Dodge City, he said. Phillips held a ribbon cutting on June 13 for the new business.