Roscoe adopts new pricing policy

By HME News Staff
Updated Tue May 19, 2015
STRONGSVILLE, Ohio - Roscoe Medical has introduced a minimum advertised price policy for its Viverity line of retail home healthcare products. With a MAP policy, HME providers can be confident that they won't be underpriced by “bargain basement e-commerce retailers,” according to the company. “The goal with our MAP policy is to maintain margin integrity at the HME storefront level and ensure a level playing field across the board for our provider network,” stated Ryan Moore, vice president of sales, in a press release. Other benefits of the policy, according to the company: protecting the Viverity brand image and maintaining retail value to ensure healthy margins for providers. The policy will go into effect June 1 and apply to all advertising and marketing activities of each provider that purchases any Viverity-brand products.