Roscoe, Carex have new direction

By HME News Staff
Updated Tue July 1, 2014
STRONGSVILLE, Ohio, and NORWELL, Mass. - Roscoe Medical and Carex Health Brands announced today the new name and brand identity of their parent holding company: Compass Health Brands.
The new brand includes a new corporate logo, website ( and message platform.
“Compass Health was chosen to reflect the company's deep industry knowledge, understanding of today's health care and efforts to navigate its new direction for better patient outcomes and bottom-line growth,” a press release states.
Roscoe Medical and Carex Health announced their merger in March.
Under Compass Health Brands, Roscoe Medical and Carex Health plan to expand through the acquisition of subsidiaries that complement their portfolios, according to the release.
Roscoe also recently acquired Revolution Mobility.