Sleep8 lowers MAP, wholesale pricing

By HME News Staff
Updated 9:42 AM CST, Tue January 19, 2021
YARMOUTH, Maine – Sleep8 has decided to extend a lower minimum advertised price for its CPAP sanitizing devices throughout 2021. The company lowered its MAP to $199 from $249 in December to help its DME provider customers boost end-of-year revenues, resulting in “significant sales across all of our partners,” the company says. “We spent more time and energy than ever before on supporting (DME providers) through this turbulent season,” it says. “The new strategies and innovations that were developed in 2020 - will continue to remain front and center in the new year.” Sleep8 has also revised wholesale pricing to $109 price per unit for one case and $99 price per unit for more than two cases. To help DME provider customers boost revenues further, Sleep8 has also developed new co-branded email content and offered staff training.