Something to be proud of: Awards honor Invacare for community service

By Mike Moran
Updated Wed December 2, 2009
Invacare and its CEO Mal Mixon received some nice recognition recently when Smart Business Cleveland presented each with a Medical Mutual 2009 Pillar Award. The award honors "businesses and individuals for outstanding contributions to their communities."
The list goes on and on, but here are some of the philanthropic endeavors Invacare and Mixon are involved in.
Invacare: The company is a corporate sponsor of several local, national and international organizations, including the Paralympics, the United Way of Greater Lorain County and Easter Seals.
Mixon: His current civic activities include serving as chairman of the board of The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, BioEnterprise and the Cleveland Institute of Music. In 2007, the Cleveland Institute of Music opened Mixon Hall, a state-of-the-art performance hall. In addition, he established a chair in entrepreneurial studies at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University.
Congratulations to all the folks at Invacare. This is something to be proud of.
- Mike Moran