Stakeholders take to Hill to promote high-tech wheelchairs

By HME News Staff
Updated 8:57 AM CDT, Mon April 22, 2024
WASHINGTON – AAHomecare will host a complex-rehab specific congressional fly-in in September to support H.R. 5371, the “Choices for Increased Mobility Act,” which would improve consumer access to titanium and carbon fiber wheelchairs. The association says a specific date for the fly-in will be announced soon. “This Hill Day will be an opportunity for members of the manufacturing and supplier community to showcase the technology and equipment currently utilized by consumers, the work that goes into fitting a consumer, and how current policy falls short of meeting the needs of consumers,” the association stated in a bulletin. The bill would allow Medicare beneficiaries to pay the difference to upgrade to a titanium or carbon fiber manual wheelchair. Right now, if a consumer wants a titanium or carbon fiber manual wheelchair, they must pay for the full cost of the wheelchair out of pocket, have their provider file a non-assigned claim on their behalf and, if approved, wait to receive 80% of the Medicare allowable. Those interested in participating should reach out to Alexis Ward,, to receive invitation details.