State round up: Florida, Louisiana, Ohio

By HME News Staff
Updated Fri October 2, 2020
AAHomecare has submitted a letter to Sunshine Health and Wellcare in Florida, expressing its concerns with the consolidation of services under one company and the state's history of failure with such an arrangement. The letter cites inequities in fee schedules; the elimination of patient choice; and the risk of network collapse as primary concerns. AAHomecare has also asked that Centene exclude self-referrals in its request for proposal to the state to cover the management of HME and home health for all of the Centene and Wellcare plans in Florida...AAHomecare's payer relations team has pushed back against a cap on non-invasive ventilators after 10 months proposed by BlueCross BlueShield of Louisiana. In response, BCBSLA has agreed to modify its policy, allowing DME providers to maintain ownership of the ventilators, increasing the monthly rental rates, and paying for a licensed respiratory therapist to inspect, service and maintain the equipment, as well as pay for additional component(s) that need replacement… AAHomecare and NCART joined the Ohio Association of Medical Equipment Services (OAMES) in supporting the expanded use of telehealth for Ohio Medicaid. Their comments urge that DMEPOS providers, respiratory specialists, and ATPs be included in a list of eligible providers under the rule, and highlight how telehealth activities by DMEPOS/CRT providers can align with the work of other health care professionals, improve patient outcomes, and reduce Medicaid program costs.