Study: Not all oximeters are equal

By HME News Staff
Updated Thu May 19, 2016
MINNEAPOLIS - Nonin Medical this week announced the results of an independent study that demonstrates its PureSAT pulse ox technology captures and reports deteriorating patient conditions better than other brands. Boulder, Colo.-based Clinimark Laboratories tested three oximeters: one from Nonin and two from other, large manufacturers. Two of them did not provide the clinical accuracy required to track desaturations in patients with low blood circulation and labored breathing, according to a press release. “Over the years, a number of inexpensive, imported FDA-cleared oximeters have flooded the market, all claiming to be accurate,” said Jim Russell, vice president of quaIity, regulatory and clinical affairs for Nonin Medical. “This study dispels the myth that all pulse oximeters perform alike, especially on challenging patients such as those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The findings were published in a white paper at the American Thoracic Society and American Telemedicine Conferences this week.