VMI modifies van for Health Care Hero

By HME News Staff
Updated Fri August 28, 2020

AUBURN HILLS, Mich. - Chrysler and ABC's “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” surprised Massachusetts nurse Florence Njoroge with a brand new 2020 Chrysler Pacifica that was modified for wheelchair access by Vantage Mobility International. The acknowledgement of the donation took place during Kimmel's weekly Health Care Hero segment, which pays tribute to those on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis. “We at VMI understand how important it is for families to have a safe and reliable vehicle that is accessible for every member of the family,” said Mark Shaughnessy, CEO of Vantage Mobility International. “Our core value is to never forget the challenges that our customers face and, to that end, we continue to partner with automakers such as Chrysler to ensure that those with mobility challenges have access to solutions that enable greater independence and make daily living activities just a little bit easier.” Njoroge's son nominated her as a Health Care Hero, highlighting her work as a geriatric nurse at a local nursing home and rehab care facility, and as a caretaker for his father, who has been fighting ALS for the last decade.