Archive: June 2018
Relaxed Stark Law: Could it result in increased efficiency but decreased competition?
June 29, 2018Liz Beaulieu, Editor
MedPAC report takes CMS to task on orthotics
June 29, 2018Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor
BOC seeks Newberry nominations
June 29, 2018HME News Staff
CRT stakeholders follow up on manual accessories
June 29, 2018Liz Beaulieu, Editor
Retail spurs growth at AZ MediQuip
June 29, 2018Tracy Orzel
POCs on the rise, survey finds
June 29, 2018HME News Staff
In brief: POCs on the rise, therapeutic shoe bill introduced
June 29, 2018HME News Staff
PHS places in Top 10 workplaces
June 29, 2018HME News Staff
Idaho providers meet with representative's representative
June 29, 2018HME News Staff
Senate bill would increase access to therapeutic shoes
June 29, 2018HME News Staff