AAH prepares to counter OIG study

By HME News Staff
Updated 10:12 AM CDT, Mon June 20, 2022
WASHINGTON – AAHomecare has engaged Dobson | DaVanzo & Associates to conduct a study to assess the direct and indirect costs of providing intermittent catheters.
The goal of the study is to help the Office of Inspector General, CMS and other payers better understand the comprehensive costs of caring for individuals who receive these products (A4351, A4352, A4353).
“Suppliers who provide intermittent catheters to Medicare beneficiaries are encouraged to take the survey,” AAHomecare stated. “Individual company responses will be confidential, and data will only be shared in aggregate with the overall nationwide survey findings.”
The OIG is currently working on a report on the acquisition costs for urological supplies compared to the Medicare fee-for-service allowables for the these products that it plans to share with CMS.
AAH has engaged the OIG multiple times on the issue, sharing its concerns that the agency is looking at only acquisition costs and is not factoring in the non-product costs of providing urological supplies, such as customer support, compliance, documentation requirements and overall business operations.
To participate in AAH’s study, please contact Ashley Plauché at ashleyp@aahomecare.org.