Aeroflow boosts advocacy efforts to preserve access

By Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor
Updated 9:25 AM CDT, Fri July 14, 2023
ASHEVILLE, N.C. – Aeroflow Healthcare has launched its own government relations program to do its part to ensure equitable access to care at both the state and federal level.
“Coming out of the public health emergency and (with) technology being brought to the forefront of health care, now is an opportune time to make an appeal to those policymakers to address gaps in health care identified through the PHE,” said COO Ryan Bullock. “We’ve got to ensure we are building relationships with legislators to continue to educate them on our small piece of the health care continuum and, therefore, invested in this new position.”
The company has hired Mindi Walker, an experienced lobbyist, to lead the program.
One big challenge to Aeroflow Healthcare and other providers ensuring equitable access: the consolidation of payers and health systems and the resulting tightening of networks that can leave patients without choice, says Bullock.
“Critical gaps still exist from health plan self-referrals (whether it’s) through their integrated care networks, exclusive and preferred provider networks or the non-coverage of critical care items such as incontinence products for Medicare recipients,” he said. “I know this is a common topic that always comes up; however, it is a relevant part of health care to ensure we are able to provide quality care.”
Aeroflow, a large supplier of products and services in the maternity, incontinence, sleep and diabetes markets, is also advocating for rate floor legislation at the state level, says Bullock.
“With all the inflationary challenges we face as an industry, we’ve got to work with legislators to address these gaps to ensure we are able to continue to provide the same level of care the patients were previously able to receive,” he said. “Through hearing so many stories from our patients about how health care is impacting their lives in both positive and negative ways, I realized that we can continue to protect those items important to patients, as well as help to find solutions for those negatively impacted.”