Better Health means better community

By Tracy Orzel
Updated 10:14 AM CDT, Fri May 28, 2021
SAN FRANCISCO – When it comes to questions about medical devices or supplies, nine times out of 10, the doctor is not the best person to answer them, says Naama Stauber Breckler.
That’s why Better Health, which recently launched with the close of a $3.5 million seed round, offers one-on-one coaching, peer support and education, including interactive webinars covering various topics from ostomy leaks to diet and exercise, and even swimming.
“They don't know the difference between the thousands of options that are out there,” said Stauber Breckler, CEO of Better Health. “For them, the catheter is a tube with a hole, but when you're wearing it, inserting it into your body or pricking yourself, one (device) would feel really different than another. And this is where we really see an opportunity to innovate.”
The e-commerce company, which offers urology, ostomy and diabetes devices and supplies, has national contracts with Oscar Health and Humana, and can bill Medicare in 48 states.
“We’re not just putting your supplies in a box and shipping them to you—yes we do that, too—but we really see ourselves as a full-stack solution,” said Stauber Breckler. “Our goal is to be your partner in the day-to-day of managing a chronic condition.”
One of the greatest things about Better Health’s business model: participants are not only asking questions but also answering each other's questions, says Stauber Breckler.
“The best person that can help you oftentimes is a peer—someone who has that condition, as well,” she said. “Maybe they went through similar challenges to what you're going through, so they can give advice from their experience and that’s why community and community-based education support are so important to us.”