Briefs: Liberator Medical sees huge increase over previous year

By HME News Staff
Updated Tue June 22, 2010
STUART, Fla. - Despite "seasonal challenges," Liberator Medical's revenues for the second quarter of 2010 soared 67% over the same period last year, the company reported May 12. For the three months ended March 31, 2010, the company had net revenues of $9.65 million and net income of $256,000, a 169% increase over the same quarter in 2009. The company has also expanded its infrastructure, adding 80 new employees over the last six months.
Annual event breaks record
OXFORD, Mich. - Essentially Women's Focus on the Future conference and trade show drew a record-breaking 275 attendees in April. Attendees met with vendors and attended sessions on business development, sales and merchandising and accreditation. The event also offered plenty of opportunity for networking.
Provider creates 24/7 access
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - Smith & Nephew has launched a hotline for its negative pressure wound therapy patients, the company announced June. 7. The hotline is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. "We believe that it's our corporate and social responsibility to ensure that everyone using our systems has complete access to product information at all times to assure the safe use of medical devices," said Patricia Burns, senior director of clinical affairs at Smith & Nephew, in a release.
Study compares sleep success rates
PHILADELPHIA - New research indicates that patients who get tested for sleep apnea in their homes do as well on CPAP therapy as patients who get tested in labs. Researchers at the Philadelphia VA Medical Center conducted a two-site study with nearly 300 randomized patients who underwent either standard in-laboratory sleep testing or at-home testing. Of the 223 patients who started CPAP treatment after evaluation, 185 completed three months of follow-up. Average hours of daily use were similar between the two groups.