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Customer Service: Share feedback

Customer Service: Share feedback

Judi KnottQ. How can I take advantage of the positive feedback I’ve received?

A. Now that we’ve discussed the importance of measuring customer service, considering available tracking tools and improving your customer service scorecard, you may have begun collecting feedback. Once you start seeing positive results from your efforts, it’s important to let others know! Sharing feedback is a powerful way to promote your business. It provides authentic validation and builds trust with current and potential customers.

Here are some effective strategies for communicating and amplifying customer feedback:

  • Publish testimonials on your website. Include customer quotes and photos, if appropriate. Testimonials should highlight specific product benefits or positive experiences with your services or staff.
  • Post to social media. Share positive customer feedback and testimonials on your social media channels. Encourage customers to share their experiences using a specific hashtag related to your brand.
  • Engage in online reviews. Encourage your satisfied customers to leave reviews on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, TripAdvisor and industry-specific review sites. Remember to monitor and respond to reviews, both positive and negative, to show that you value customer feedback.
  • Include feedback in sales presentations. Incorporate customer testimonials and success stories into your sales presentations. Hearing about positive experiences from satisfied customers can help prospects feel more confident in choosing your business.
  • Feature customers at events and webinars. These willing ambassadors can create compelling and convincing content as guest speakers at events or webinars. Their experiences and insights provide objective validation for your products or services.

These are just a few possible ways to communicate customer feedback and establish the foundation for a positive cycle of sharing to promote your business. This reinforces your company’s culture externally and boosts morale among your employees. By effectively sharing customer feedback, you can attract new customers while reinforcing loyalty among existing ones.

Judi Knott is president & CEO of Board of Certification/Accreditation (BOC). Reach her at [email protected] or 877.776.2200.


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