E-prescribing: E-prescribing is 'game changer' Q. As health care continues to go full force into the digital revolution/age, why is electronic prescribing for DME/HME so critical?

By Ken Majkowski
Updated Mon January 25, 2016
A. Just as electronic prescribing has revolutionized the way in which patients receive their medications, digitizing the ordering process for HME is a game changer for healthcare providers, supply providers, payers and patients alike.
It's estimated there are 367 million HME orders processed each year using antiquated fax and paper-based methods. This inefficient process not only decreases quality of care—with patients waiting 7-10 days for their much needed supplies—but also inhibits order fulfillment and payer reimbursement. The majority of HME is covered by Medicare, Medicaid and commercial insurance, and yet 35% of claims are denied due to incomplete order data and documentation, with another 17% being denied due to issues with medical necessity and clinical/technical errors.
In today's digital environment, there is an immediate opportunity for electronic ordering systems to improve care coordination, drive down operating cost and simplify the ordering process. Electronic HME ordering enables collaboration and helps ensure timely patient receipt of medically necessary equipment and supplies, all while reducing out-of-pocket costs for patients who might not otherwise know that their HME is covered by their insurance.
With changing reimbursement models, digitizing the HME ordering process is no longer optional. Patients' health depends on it, and both healthcare and HME providers' bottom lines demand it. hme
Ken Majkowski is the chief strategy officer at Stratice Healthcare. Reach him at kmajkowski@stratice.com.